We Are Entirely Funded by Donations
Supporting your local Conservatives and our local MP Jake Berry is simple, just click on the donate online button.
You can either make a one off payment or set up a monthly payment to help us keep campaigning all year round.
Any amount is gratefully received and every penny helps us to keep campaigning here in Rossendale and Darwen.
If you would like to write a cheque please get in touch with us directly. Small donations don't require anything complicated, but please see the information regarding larger donations.
Donating Can Also be Fun
Join our 200 Club and you could win one of three monthly prizes.
Labour Receives 85% of it's Funding From the Unions
The Unions are a huge vested interest and manipulate Labour for their own ends, and are a brake against progress.
The Conservatives want to take the large vested interest groups out of money in politics, which is why small local donors are vital. Any money you give us will go towards our campaigns to help beat Labour at the next election.
Thank you for your support, we really do appreciate it.