Your money will help us fight local and general elections
One 200 Club Number will pay for 1000 leaflets
For an Annual Membership Fee of £15, members are allocated one number between 1 and 200. The draw takes place monthly, with an extra Christmas Bonus Draw in December
12 Monthly Draws
- 1st Prize £25
- 2nd Prize £15
- 3rd Prize £10
- Christmas Bonus Draw £100
Members may have up to 4 numbers and membership payments must be made by annual standing order. The 200 Club is open to all Conservative Party members and supporters. All 200 Club members must be over the age of 16.
A 200 Club application form (at the bottom of this page), standing order mandate and the rules can be printed, completed, signed and returned to the address on the left.
Alternatively, if you have the facility to set up payments via online banking the details you need are below :-